
Salford City FC and Foundation 92 shine light on local community heroes.

Local community heroes are being celebrated in Salford as the EFL and EFL Trust launch the first-ever EFL Community Weekend. 

Salford City FC and Foundation 92 have highlighted the following 11 individuals that are making an impact across the community.

Andrew Gordon, Creative and Engagement Manager Salford City FC. Andrew has volunteered in the heart of the community through several initiatives including supporting Salford Foodbank and Salford Lads Club in raising awareness of the work both organisations do within the community.

Holleeann Walker, Youth Programme Coordinator, Foundation 92. Holleeann was awarded with the Community Champion award for 2023 by Foundation 92, having tirelessly worked to support the community across a range of programmes throughout the year.

George Marsh, Foundation 92 Walking Football Team Lead. George volunteers his time to manage and raise the profile of Walking Football in Salford. Having set up a Men’s Walking Football team with over 30 participants. George then organised a Women’s Walking Football team that has seen over 20 weekly participants join from across Salford with both teams playing monthly fixtures.

Kiaron, Premier League Kicks participant. Kiaron is a regular attendee of Foundation 92’s Premier League Kicks sessions. In addition to this Kiaron has given back to the community by taking part in social action programmes to make a difference to his community.

Macauley, Club 92 participant. Macauley often helps out at Foundation 92 sessions to support the community through social action. Macauley also supports peers at sessions and has brought the local community together around Sutton Community Centre.

Wendy McCormack, Executive Headteacher of schools within Salford. Wendy works tirelessly for young people in the community to receive a variety of opportunities such as mental health support, unique sporting opportunities and cohesive lives.

Kev McCloskey, Communities Officer at Clarion Futures, the charitable foundation of Clarion Housing Group which owns and manages hundreds of homes across Salford. Kev goes above and beyond for the community in Salford. Through a long standing partnership with Clarion Futures, Kev works closely with Foundation 92 to develop service-user led programmes for those most in need through food drops, heating, and energy support and more.

Joe, Foundation 92 Dementia Friendly Walking Sports & Activities Group participant. Joe regularly attends the sessions to support those living with Dementia and encourages other members to join in with activities. Joe has developed many friendships through the programme that are living with Dementia.

Cruz, EFL Trust Primary School Headstart participant. Cruz has made a lot of progress through the EFL Headstart programme. Coming through adversity with his emotions to now being more confident and happier within himself.

Scarlett, Lark Hill Primary Pupil. Scarlett always gives her all regardless of the sport that she is participating in, thoroughly enjoying all sports on offer through Foundation 92’s Premier League Primary Stars programme. Scarlett has faced challenges but never lets this affect her. 

Alison Mckenna, Foundation 92 Female Walking Footballer. Alison attends Foundation 92 weekly Walking Football sessions and has supported other women to get involved in the sport. Alison also works for Age UK supporting those in the community over 50 living with Dementia.

Thank you all, for what you do for others in our community.