Education & Employability, News


We recently caught up with some of the young people accessing our education programmes, delivered in partnership with the Premier League Charitable Fund. Read below to find out what impact our programmes are already having.


Praise has always been a much-loved member of her school social groups, seen to be the person at school who is good at everything! She always tries to motivate her class through positive reinforcement, being the person that her year group look up to, not just in terms of her sporting prowess but her exemplary behaviour and positive outlook on everything she does.

Support Needs Identified

Praise is known to the organisation through the work of the Premier League primary Stars programme delivered in Lark Hill Primary School, Foundation 92’s Education Officer has been working with Praise and her peers for a year now. We identified that Praise’s talents needed to be nurtured to give her the confidence to compete. To this end to help increase her confidence in this field, she was submitted to run the 200m in the school sports partnership athletics competition in which she beat the competition by nearly 30m. 

This win solidified the thought that this is something she needed to pursue, and a list of professional athletics clubs were provided by Foundation 92 to Praise and her parents and was strongly suggested that she should trial for them. Since then, she has been accepted to run for Salford Met Athletic Club in numerous different events one being the Hurdles.  

Support Provided and Challenges Faced

The opportunities for competition were provided by Foundation 92 in accordance with the school. The only issue that arose was transport to and from the sessions which was made easier when we found clubs that were more local and in walking distance for Priase.