
Foundation 92 celebrate another stellar year of activity by launching it’s annual report for 2023. 

The charity, which aims to support people in improving their lives through sport and education, has recorded an impactful year of aid, delivering more than 17,000 hours of provision across all programmes. 

To celebrate a fantastic year in 2023, Foundation 92 is delighted to launch its Annual Report.


Throughout 2023, the charity developed a range of innovative programmes that specialise in health and wellbeing, employability skills, community inclusion, youth outreach, and tackling homelessness. 

Foundation 92’s annual Christmas giving campaign, #F92DecemberToRemember, saw the charity personally donate 2,000 gifts across local communities. 

As a result of the charity’s efforts to tackle social immobility, more than 500 food packs were donated to families in need across Salford. Alongside this, 140 individual spaces were made available at F92 Holiday Activity camps during the school holidays for those receiving free school meals.

The past 12 months has seen the charity develop a range of highly innovative, bespoke and life changing areas of work.

Supporting over 13,000 individuals in 2023, Foundation 92 has taken great strides in achieving its strategic objectives, launching the following innovative and pioneering programmes.

  • Dementia Friendly programmes supporting over 500 visits.
  • Bee Network, restorative justice, behaviour change and youth work programme.
  • Rail Network, behaviour change and positive mobility programme.
  • Wellbeing Hub launch.

Foundation 92’s Education delivery has supported over 5,000 individuals across a range of programmes, in particular educating young people on mental health. 

“Not only has Foundation 92 given Kleo a safe and happy place to visit, she has learnt so much about her feelings and those around her. She has managed to overcome her fears of separation anxiety. I can’t thank Foundation 92 enough for helping me get my little girl back.” Parent of Foundation 92 programme participant.

Through the charities Health and Wellbeing provision, the Foundation has helped individuals to develop a healthier lifestyle, supporting 18,000 visits into programmes.

“I used to think that I couldn’t speak about being bullied and that it would isolate me from my friends, but after the time I’ve spent with Foundation 92, I’ve realised that some people don’t like you and that is fine, it doesn’t matter. There are 86,400 seconds in a day and someone’s negative 10 seconds shouldn’t affect the rest of your day and Foundation 92 has made me realise that.” Foundation 92 programme participant.

The past year has seen the charity support young people across the community in a variety of ways with a focus on preventing anti-social behaviour that has led to the Foundation 92 Youth Work team supporting over 6,000 individuals.

The sessions with Foundation 92 on anti-social behaviour has really made us stop and think about our behaviour and I’m glad coming to these sessions has opened our eyes to some of the things we used to do outside of this programme.” Foundation 92 programme participant.

Tom Hutton, Head of Foundation 92, said: “We’re proud to mark another successful year across Salford, but the work doesn’t stop there.

“We’re continuously striving to reach as many people as possible in our community, whether that’s through mental health and wellbeing initiatives, or physical activity programmes, we understand the impact our support can have.

“Community is at the heart of everything we do and this year, we hope to achieve even bigger and better for those that need it.”

Across the season Salford City players have visited several of the charity’s programmes, to see first-hand the work the Foundation do in the community as well engage with the charities participants to inspire them to help them to achieve their potential.

Foundation 92 would like to thank all its partners and in particular Salford City FC for all of its continued support throughout the year in helping our community to thrive.