
Food, health and education are the three goals for Ben as he embarks on his Treble challenge 

Donate to Ben’s Treble Trek here:-

After months of planning and training, 12 year old Ben Dickinson’s putting his best foot forward as he bids to raise thousands of pounds for three charities over the next year. The Northern Ireland schoolboy’s up and walking with his latest challenge, a Treble Trek, which started at lunchtime at the home of Manchester United, Old Trafford.

Ben and his team will be walking like it’s 1999, as they march 333 laps of each of the 3 stadiums where Manchester United won the Treble 25 years ago, adding up to an incredible total of 1 x 999 laps.

The youngster’s no stranger to hard walks either, last year he clocked up 64 miles and crossed the Irish Sea as he strode from his home town of Larne, in Northern Ireland, to Old Trafford. In doing so, Ben, raised enough money to pay for more than 115,000 meals for FareShare, the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste.

It means, so far, Ben has raised more than £35,000 for good causes, an achievement which saw the Ballymena 

Academy pupil presented with the Diana Award, the highest honour a young person in the UK can receive for social action or humanitarian efforts.

This time round 3 is definitely the magic number, 3 walks at 3 stadiums for 3 charities, with the aim of raising even more funds for FareShare but Ben’s also marching on behalf of Soccer Aid for UNICEF and the Greater 

Manchester-based Foundation 92. And he won’t be doing it alone, as the youngster explained:-

“It’s brilliant to finally get started on the Treble Trek, and where better than at the home of the club I support, 

Manchester United? I know it’s not going to be easy but it’ll make a huge difference having people from the 3 charities walking alongside me over the next few days. I also want to thank Gateley for everything they’ve done so far, and I can’t believe how many of their staff are going to be walking with me too!”

Manchester United legend and Co-Founder of Foundation 92 Gary Neville said: “Ben is a remarkable young man and truly an inspiration to us all. The amount of ground he’ll cover is a real challenge. What a way to mark the 25th anniversary of the treble at these three magnificent stadiums. It shows the legacy that the treble in 1999 has created.

“We are delighted he has chosen to support Foundation 92 here in Greater Manchester. The funds he raises will go into a range of projects we carry out across the community to help people of all ages.”

Sue Wicks, Director of Soccer Aid said: “We’re excited to see Ben kick off his challenge in support of Soccer Aid for UNICEF. It was great to welcome Ben as a mascot at Old Trafford in June for Soccer Aid 2023, and it’s very fitting that his Treble Trek sees him return to Old Trafford this week. Ben’s amazing efforts and fundraising will help UNICEF protect the Right to Play for children all over the world, which will have a lasting impact on countless lives.”

George Chandler, Senior Mass Participation Manager at FareShare commented: “The fundraising that Ben has undertaken is nothing short of inspirational and we wish him all the best for his Treble Trek. The money raised will make a huge difference to helping us get good-to-eat surplus food to people who need it most, and help strengthen communities by supporting the essential work of our network of 8,500 charities. We hope as many people donate to Ben’s fundraiser and we know that everyone at FareShare will be cheering him on as he takes on this incredible challenge!”

The first phase of the Treble Trek is expected to take Ben and his team 10 days. He’s scheduled to complete his 333rd lap of Old Trafford on Sunday 16th July.